Tuesday 12 March 2024

No Men Beyond This Point….

I invite you to open discussion.

I’m Huge supporter of female athletes and I’m a massive supporter of equality and equity, but I fear I’m going to be that guy but it kinda really needs to be said. 

There is something incredibly special about ‘OUR’ sport you see it in events you see it on your casual local. The camaraderie and nurturing nature that Trail Running promotes is like no other in sport to be honest it’s why I fell in love with it. But something was brought to my attention the other day by one of our female runners and it saddened me as it did them.

For a sport where we are trying to press inclusivity and equality and equity I kinda feel this concept of FEMALE ONLY events just goes against what sport and definitely trail running is all about. And I get it I’m a male with this opinion however before jumping in and getting on high horses I’d ask you to think… what would the reaction be if all of a sudden a trail event was advertised but hey it ONLY allowed MALE athletes. I will also ask this again later.

I have since been in contact with the reputable Brisbane based name behind this event which I will choose to keep out of it as I do not see any positivity in promoting such an event that drives a wedge between gender acceptance and really feel they have lost touch with what OUR community is all about.

Among our exchanges which are there for public viewing should you choose to dig, they seem to find acceptance in the actions for excluding male competitors based on lopsided gender numbers in ‘their’ trail events and those around the world. 
It is no secret that male vs female participation in trail events can be somewhat lopsided (something which based on the research is definitely on the improve) however is this really an excuse for causing even further segregation and division between genders when the focus should be on how do we make our events more inclusive.

“We're hoping this event will be a way to show any women who have been hesitant about the sport that the men in the trail running community are great people and exceptional cheer leaders of their female counterparts.”

 I found this quote to be quite obscure, do females in our sport really feel that their male counterparts are not “great people”, encouraging of their efforts and accomplishments? I can’t say any I know feel this way again all I see at events and out on the trails is support and encouragement for anyone out there giving it a go no matter your gender. Is it not possible there hesitation could be due to other aspects…. Such as the distance, cut off times, they have children and can’t get them minded.

I put the question to you again if the roles were reversed. You see an event that catches your eye you go to register only to find it’s a MALE ONLY event…. Oh but you are welcome to run the family 4.4km event with a running buddy, but you are excluded from the main races. Being a female I ask how you would perceive this….

This is how the event justifies their choices when I put the same question to them.

“ A men's only trail race would most likely create some ire because men as a group have not faced the same barriers to entry in trail running (societal perceptions, family pressures, security concerns, less recognition, access to toilet facilities especially during periods, and more).”

Like come on really…… let me just say this a FEMALE ONLY trail race should cause the same amount of “ire”. I know plenty of male/trangender runners that have faced these same barriers, Geez I was and am still one of those males that face these same barriers at different times. 

These are your reasons which are being used to defend segregation and division between genders…. Ok sure I don’t have the burden of having to deal with periods but this is not a burden to be shared by runners this is something that is for the organisations and race directors to address and put cost aside and put equity for females at their events and Supply women only toilets and sanitation products at events,  that is the answer and if it means an extra $20 to the entry then so be it…. people are not going to be disgruntled with a small rise to help make our events more inclusive.

Instead of putting our focus into omitting one category from an event why is the focus not on how can we improve our current events to improve the equity for women. 

Before jumping the gun and concluding the answer is Gender specific races why not look at implementing some of these ideas into your current events.

-A women only area at the race precinct where females can change, mothers can breastfeed, etc

-Having different women’s support services represented at your events where women can get information.

- more focus on female athletes signed up for the event through social media

- information on local women’s running groups

- the possibility of child minding services/play group where kids can play while mothers and or fathers race (only practical for shorter races)

- discounts for women getting back into it after child birth

They are just a few ways you could achieve equity and equality without the drastic needs of Omitting a particular group.

Inclusivity seems to be the big issue which this Whole female ONLY event seems to discourage.

 I will say though I’m disappointed. I’m disappointed that in a world and time in history where females have had to fight to get the respect and recognition they deserve, Such a lack is shown in the creation of Events like this.

God forbid if you’re non binary….. then what?

Totally get that there are going to be haters to this but hey 🤷‍♂️ we all have different views. I would very much like to know yours.